Sunday, February 21, 2016

Fun Fact About Coffee

Coffee is the kind of drink made from coffee plant seed extract which is then processed through the processing. Coffee has caffeine content, but not only that coffee also has antioxidant compounds with a number that is arguably quite a lot. With the compound that drinking coffee has health benefits for the body. Especially for antioxidant that works to counteract free radicals. The benefits of drinking coffee, among others:

1. Reduce Pain Head
According Seimur Damond, M, D of Chicago's Diamond Hadche Clinic, that the content of caffeine contained in coffee can reduce headache sufferers. It is proved that patients with mild headache or migraine has proven to be cured by drinking black coffee.

2. Sharpen Memory
A study conducted in 2005 by the Radiological of North America, found that consuming two onshore caffeinated coffee helps improve memory in the long term or short with one's reaction speed. Uniquely, it can only be true for women only and does not apply to men.

3. Prevent Depression
According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2011, showed that women who consumed two or three cups of coffee every day, every day, 15% less likely to have the risk of depression. As for women who consumed four cups of coffee every day, 20% less likely to suffer from depression.

4. Increase Metabolism
In a study conducted in 2006 showed that coffee can increase metabolism, especially for women. In addition, coffee can also help friends to maintain or lose excess weight.

5. Prevent Oral Cancer Risk and Protect Teeth
Compounds contained in coffee may be beneficial for preventing cancer of the mouth and limit the growth of cancer cells. Not only that, it turns out coffee also has anti-bacterial and anti-adhesive is also very good at all to allow the dental curing of various oral health problems, such as cavities, plaque formation and infection in the gums.

6. Reduce Risk of Diabetes
A study has found that people who like to drink coffee have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry at the beginning of the month of January 2012.

7. Reduce the Risk of Stroke Attack
In a study through case studies of a number of women have shown that women who consumed coffee in the consumption of a good standard, it has a lower risk of stroke than women who did not consume coffee. This is supported by a results of other studies that have been conducted in Finland who confirmed the results of the case studies.

8. Reduce Risk of Liver
Drinking coffee also has proven able to prevent liver cirrhosis and other liver diseases, such as reducing the risk of liver disease. This is due to the high content of antioxidants and caffeine content contained in any coffee beans.

Not only that, the coffee grounds also has benefits for the skin. To find out what the benefits of coffee grounds for health and beauty natural skin further, here is information about the benefits of coffee for beauty and health body.

1. Lifting Dead Skin Cells
Coffee grounds efficacious able to lift dead skin cells perfectly, so your skin will look more clean and white. Well, to methods of using coffee grounds as a natural beauty is best to use coffee grounds as a natural scrub to skin. Skin care by utilizing the routine scrub coffee grounds lift able to soften the skin and dead skin cells in the body.
If you want to make the skin more toned and fresh, make a mask of coffee grounds were added to the egg whites. Wear a face mask from natural materials coffee for 30 minutes or mask material dries. After that, rinse with warm water, this can make your skin firmer, fresh and effectively eliminate eye bags.

2. Accelerate Hair Growth
Natural hair care can be done by using coffee grounds. Coffee grounds is believed powerful tool to help accelerate the growth of hair and make hair look more shiny.
 To obtain this benefit is very easy, you just need to apply it on the hair before shampooing. The trick with spread coffee grounds evenly in the head while giving a light massage. Beauty treatments hair with coffee grounds can stimulate hair follicles to maximize performance, so that the growth of your hair will grow better and faster.

3. Reduce Cellulite
Benefits and uses other coffee is to reduce cellulite. Cellulite can be reduced by utilizing the natural beauty ingredients coffee grounds. The trick, use coffee grounds in the area whether it's cellulite on the thighs, stomach or arms. Apply this way by rubbing coffee grounds evenly, then let stand a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly.
In order to obtain the maximum additional benefits, coffee grounds mixed with grated ginger benefits when combined are believed to be able to eliminate cellulite in the abdomen, thighs, and arms. As well as make your skin clean and smooth naturally.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Fun Fact About Chocolate

Chocolate is a very popular food in the world and a favorite of many people ranging from children to adults. In addition to the pleasure given, it turns Chocolate also have a positive impact on health which consume them. As for the health benefits of chocolate, among others:
1. Preventing premature aging.
Catechins are powerful antioxidants contained in chocolate. One function of antioxidants is to prevent premature aging that can occur due to pollution or radiation. Catechins are also found in tea even though the amount is not as high as in chocolate. Parents antiquity often practice with a water wash tea because it can make your skin glowing and youthful face. If they know that chocolate contains catechins is higher than the tea, maybe they'll suggest a shower scrubs with chocolate.
2. Eliminate stress.
Chocolate is also considered as one of the foods that can eliminate stress. According to research from the University of California, Sandiego, people are stressed, ranging from mild stress level up to the level of depression, they claim to eat chocolate when they are upset mood or bad mood.

3. Chocolate makes you live longer and avoid the disease.
One Dutch study followed 200 men over 20 years and found that those who consume large amounts of chocolate, and they live longer and have lower levels of disease overall than men who ate little or no chocolate. This is because the high Magnesium dala, chocolate is higher than other plants. Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps in the regulation of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Because many people are deficient in magnesium, adding magnesium rich dark chocolate to your diet can improve your overall health.

 4. Maintaining brain health.
Many studies have shown that dark chocolate is good for brain health. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that chocolate can protect brain nerve cells from further damage during a stroke. Dark Chocolate has also been known to be able to increase the memory of the human brain. Researchers at the Salk Institute of California found that a chemical in chocolate called epicatechin can improve the memory of mice.
5. Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.
Dark chocolate has been shown in studies to lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. And eating dark chocolate regularly has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol by 10 percent.
6. Fight cancer.
Several studies have found chocolate to be one of the best cancer-fighting foods along with foods such as red wine, blueberries, garlic, and tea. Two ways that chocolate works as a cancer fighter is by inhibiting cell division and reducing inflammation, though research is ongoing and will probably find additional ways in which chocolate against cancer.
7. Helps digestion.
Based on research, it turns out chocolate containing natural cocoa and flavanols. During the process the cocoa beans, and a reduced number of calories during the digestive process in the stomach of chocolate will absorb fat and carbohydrates than other foods. Therefore chocolate is suitable for you who are dieting.
8. Maintaining a healthy heart.
Women who eat 30-60 grams of chocolate per week lower risk exposed failed jantunghingga 32 percent. It was revealed in a study from Harvard in 2010 reported Joyce Hendley to EatingWell Magazine. That means that chocolate is also good for heart health.
9. Assist vision.

In addition to carrots, found chocolate can also help improve eyesight better. Anti-oxidants contained in dark chocolate (dark chocolate) can help better eyesight, especially in distinguishing colors and detects a moving image.